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Sunday, October 10, 2010

Stop Trying to Level the Playing Field

Those who know me well, are aware of my reluctance to offer advice. Generally, the advice that one really wants to give and the advice that others are looking for are two entirely different strategies. However, it's now a hard and fast rule. It's more of a tendency on my part. That is why I am going to offer the Democrats and other incumbents (there are Republicans, Independents and even Green Party members in office these days) a strategy to not only keep their jobs, but actually do the best job possible. I return to my recent call for TRUE DEMOCRACY.
I have been receiving a number of requests for money of late to support this or that bill,initiative, party or candidate. The Democrats are particularly worried that the Republicans are out spending them and therefore are going to buy the election. I think this is a danger, not because one party might suffer, but because MONEY IS AT THE ROOT OF MOST OF OUR POLITICAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL PROBLEMS in this country. That was the core of my TRUE DEMOCRACY message from my last post.
When I receive these requests for money, and some of them are headlined, "Help us Level the Playing Field" I think it shows that some politicians are falling into the same old belief pattern that money makes right. I am committed to ending this way of thinking. Instead of trying to level the playing field, we need to "change the game." The field that we currently play on is the problem. Money is NOT always the answer. In fact, I believe and I hope this election bears witness that it is NEVER the answer.
Case in point: Jerry Brown is not only holding his own against Meg Whitman in California, spending only a tiny fraction of what she does on negative advertising, but he is leading. When he wins California, it will be a testament to the fact that money cannot always win. Meg has spent $150 or so millions of dollars of her own money running on the platform that she wants to reduce regulations on oil companies, extend tax credits to the rich and basically oppose any social gains that have been made in the U.S. regarding banking. When we defeat every candidate who blatantly acknowledges that they are only interested in the rich, the oil companies, big business or the promotion of banking interests over the welfare of the common person, then we will be sending a message with our most powerful asset...our vote.
Don't just vote against the incumbent. Make sure that the alternative is not worse than what you've got. Reward those candidates who tried to regulate banking, save the planet for future generations, reduce or dependence on oil, give you an opportunity to modify your mortgages, give you an opportunity for healthcare by limiting the abuses of insurance companies and improve the lives of future generations.
Send a message to ALL candidates for public office and to all those who try to confuse the referendum process with deceitful ads and ecologically and economically BAD BILLS. When in doubt, VOTE FOR THE CANDIDATE OR LEGISLATION that has not been bought by narrow interests. If you are not sure, then vote for the incumbent or the candidate who has SPENT THE LEAST.
Finally, here is a special note to candidates: NOW IS THE TIME TO harness the dissatisfaction and frustration of the average person and RETURN TO THE PRINCIPLES OF TRUE DEMOCRACY. Don't continue to play the game of the ELITE RICH. Don't continue to try and level the playing field by obsessing over money. Base your candidacy on integrity and honesty. CHANGE THE GAME!

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