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Monday, October 4, 2010

I am a Patriot--by Gordon Richiusa

More and more the fundamental problems with our government are that MONEY and party politics have corrupted it beyond compromise. We need to change the way we allow our Senators to operate—but we must remember that we elected these same officials to do the job that they are doing. We need to govern outside the political parties. “Government by referendum! Throw the bums out!” These are cries that we hear more and more these days which remind me of a shouts from the back of a lynch mob.
I am proposing the creation of a political MOVEMENT (not another party) of PATRIOTS who will work against any lobbyist or party. If you want to be AGAINST something, then be against the things that are counter productive to your countries interests. When I speak of “country” I’m talking about THE PEOPLE and the Government that they have established to do what is best for the whole.
From this moment onward I am not going to judge someone by their political party or allow others to judge me. I am a TRUE PATRIOT and since I’m making up the term, I am going to define what it means. The dictionary defines a patriot as, “a person who vigorously supports their country and is prepared to defend it against against enemies or detractors.”
This is the key reason that the Civil War was fought in this country and why it continues to re-fought today, by loudmouthed politicians and pseudo-politicians (members of parties of “no” or “hell no”) whose agenda is really nothing more than thinly veiled bigotry in the guise of anti-federal-government movements. In the war between the states, between those who believed that the states should be allowed to operate outside the control of the federal government and those that supported a STRONG UNION, the self-serving Southerners LOST! When I hear elected officials or those vying for these jobs suggest that armed conflict with the federal government is the next step in the process if the GOP doesn’t get their way in the next election, I CALL THAT TREASON. Anytime a state senator or elected official (especially a governor) suggests succession from the UNION as the answer to their individual problem or prejudice against doing what’s best for the whole, then I believe THEY are guilty of the same thing. We must be ready to defend our government—the one that a majority of us voted for in the last election! Anyone who says otherwise is not being patriotic.
So, what do TRUE PATRIOTS believe in? We believe that any action, activity or movement that is merely anti-government is suspect. We believe that the ORIGINAL CONSTITUTION had checks and balances in place for good reason. The original government had no provisions for the current form of voting. There were no political parties, no primary elections, no electoral college. WE DON’T HAVE A DEMOCRACY in this country right now. We should have. We continually boast throughout the world that we are spreading democracy everywhere we go, but we don’t have it at home!
So TRUE PATRIOTS BELIEVE that we need to establish TRUE DEMOCRACY in this country, THE WAY THE FOUNDING FATHERS INTENDED IT. The MOJORITY should rule! If you don’t like it, then spending all the money in the world to mask your self-serving intentions should also be illegal.
TRUE PATRIOTS ARE DEDICATED TO ESTABLISHING AND FORTIFYING TRUE DEMOCRACY—doing what is truly best for the greatest number of people. To this end, our only other “platform” is to rid government of the influence of vast wealth (something the majority of us don’t have). It’s o.k. for you as an individual to try and amass vast wealth, BUT NOT AT THE EXPENSE OF THE GOVERNMENT or of TRUE PATRIOTS. If our elected officials vote outside the interests of the majority or work against the common good (such as campaigning to reverse Health Care or any other kind of reform, which is obviously good for the majority—or campaigning to eliminate regulations on the wealthy or bankers) then we need to get rid of THEM, not those who have supported these efforts.
Let’s keep it simple. Let’s stick to these two objectives in our thinking. TRUE PATRIOTS are for TRUE DEMOCRACY and TRUE DEMOCRACY IS NOT GOVERNMENT BY BANKING.

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