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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Moving Forward

Every now and then, regardless of ones personal perspective or objectives, we must take a step back and consider our words. In the case of the word "progressive" I need to write a few lines on exactly what that means to me. Regardless which dictionary you use, the implications of the word are that we are NOT STANDING STILL, but moving forward in a positive direction. Some people try to convince us that moving backward is actually progress. That is simply not true, as movement backward is REgressive. Our founding fathers knew that the document they wrote called The U.S. Constitution, needed to have the ability to change with time. They built into the system devices that would allow for change...always keeping in mind simple objectives and goals that can never be abandoned. These goals include "individual LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS." Notice that "pursuit of commerce, land, natural resources or political power" are NOT among the rights or worthy pursuits upon which our government is based. Therefore, anything that promotes these simple goals should be considered "progressive" and anything that doesn't should be avoided.
Today, I saw a short video by Deepak Chopra that begins a conversation from what I believe is "the right place." It appears below.

"The Conversation": Deepak HomeBase at ABC Carpet and Home, New York City Dec. 21, 2010 from Better Days Productions on Vimeo.

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