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Wednesday, September 1, 2010

American Suckers

I know I've been going on about pesky problems such as medical insurance companies and big banks trying to subvert the political process in the U.S. but the fact of the matter is that I'm continually amazed that those who are in the greatest need and who would benefit most are the most vocal against change and progress. I won't belabor the points, or say anything more about the need to stop Lobbyists from inserting themselves directly into the Constitution as the driving force of our government, or somehow convincing the Supreme Court that buying votes is a Constitutionally protected right. I just want to say, THANK YOU to President Obama for accomplishing ANOTHER GOAL that he achieved. When we overwhelmingly elected him to office he made many promises. Some people did not like the goals he set to achieve, but the common person realized that things needed to change. Some people, once his supporters, now complain that the policies he pushed through were "not enough." We can't argue, however that he has not tried. He has brought the war in Iraq to an end. True, some are now saying that he should not leave ANY troops in Iraq, but I believe we can remove our troops from dozens of other countries first (Japan, Germany etc.etc.etc.)before we can call his success AS THE COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF of the armed forces, a shallow gesture. He has done, what he's promised to do against loud-mouthed and highly financed political opposition. Don't become a pawn in the political game. Make your choices based upon what is actually good for the common person...for YOU, not what is good for big business. Big Business is O.K. Profits for the richest corporations are UP, not down. If you are unemployed, it is probably because a corporate giant has decided to fatten his or her own bank account, at your expense. Don't make it easy for the very rich to take advantage of you. So, before you complain that you don't like the job that the government is doing, remember THE MAJORITY OF YOU VOTED FOR EVERYONE CURRENTLY IN OFFICE. There were reasons why you did. If you've changed your mind now, take a look at the possible motivations. Perhaps you are only responding to the constant barrage of lobbying and true special interest shenanigans that one political party is foisting against another. Politics directed solely AGAINST an idea or individual is seldom valid.
So, here, by permission we are presenting Russ Buchanan's AMERICAN SUCKERS video.

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