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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Support Independent Journalism--by Gordon Richiusa

It's no secret that money talks and the opinions of those without it often must often go unheard. That's why I support Independent Journalism and have signed the petition below. Naturally, I don't believe that this petition is the end all and will result in immediate results in this area of concern. However, I do believe strongly in the power of the written word and am turning my abstract belief into action by signing this petition and by blogging here. So, if you'd like to support this simple, Constitutionally understood concept then click on the link below and add your two cents worth.

Vote for Brown in California

Jerry Brown was an excellent Governor and lived his ethical principles. I was always impressed that he would not live in the "mansion" that had been set aside for him and truly seemed to care about his decisions and how they affected the average person.

There are several reasons why we need to defeat Meg Whitman's campaign to buy the California Governorship. This video only presents ONE--although an important one--of them.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Support Journalistic Integrity

Last night the phone rang and an "independent political survey" person asked me my opinion on several issues. The questioner alleged to be funded through a source in Texas. The questions were awkwardly worded and appeared to be pointedly trying to gauge the political temperament of Californians, which I apparently was randomly selected to represent. Two questions stuck in my craw. One asked which political party I most closely associated with. My choices included the Republican, the Democratic and the Tea Party. I told the questioner that the Tea Party wasn't really a political party, but she made me choose anyway. She also wanted to know if I was a conservative who favored giving jobs to people and cutting taxes, or a "liberal." I said I couldn't really classify myself in exactly the way that she was allowing because her question was skewed in four different directions at the same time. So, in the end, after clarifying that I didn't like the question much, I chose liberal between the two options. I'm guessing that my answers will not appear in any real polling results and were meant to determine how much money someone like Meg Whitman needs to spend--and in which dishonest way her meager qualifications must be framed--to have a chance of stealing the California election.
Anyway, this morning I receive another request to sign a petition. I get a lot of these, on a daily basis. This one was from Care2 and purported merely to support integrity in the media. I personally believe that the precepts of journalistic integrity (such as merely telling the truth, instead of trying to sway opinion) have "almost" been completely lost in today's world. I would like to see a return to the time when a "news program" actually only reported the news. I signed this petition happily and if you want to sign it--or merely see what the petition says--click on the link below, or copy and paste the link into your browser.